Major: Software Engineering
Specialization: Testing & DevOps
This involved a focus on software design, software architecture, software development, optimization IT project management, operating systems, advanced algorithmics, cybersecurity, networks, low-level programming, DevOps, and Testing.
In addition to computer science courses, I also had advanced mathematics and advanced physics courses during the first two years that constitute the preparatory cycle.
I took up this internship with as part of my university studies, during which, I introduced DevOps practices to the team's development workflow and developed synchronization tool.
My tasks were mainly:
- Designing, setting up and implementing CI/CD pipelines for a cross-platform VR project.
- Designing and developing a tool for synchronizing large remote and local assets using git-like operations.Applied skills:Automation Azure DevOps Bash Batch Debugging Docker Documentation Hyper-V Oculus Quest Playstation PowerShell Python Self-hosted agents Unreal Engine Vagrant Virtualization Windows Containers I worked, within a team of front-end and back-end developers, on a website for a company to manage their team, clients, and orders.
My tasks included, but were not limited to:
- Introducing DevOps practices to a web application.
- Designing CI/CD pipelines.
- Implementing a dynamic form builder from scratch.
- Managing user accounts, roles, and access rights.
- Designing a user-friendly and functional UI.Applied skills:Angular Automation Debugging Documentation Docker Git GitHub Actions Testing Web design I worked with a research group at the University of Michigan on updating their Translation Networks site.
This website is a project that was contributed to by a team of art, history, and IT professors as well as librarians and other university students.
It provides a collection of digital tools that assist students in connecting ideas, creative activities, and sources.
My contribution was:
- Troubleshooting an AWS server instance.
- Upgrading a web app to the latest Node version.
- Analyzing and evaluating files and database tables (automatically!).
- Studying, comparing, and merging development and production code and databases.
- Containerizing a web app.
- Providing thorough documentation of my work and my findings.Applied skills:AWS EC2 Automation Docker Documentation Express MySQL NodeJS Putty Python Troubleshooting This was my first internship, during which I learned how to navigate in a professional work environment while working on a website for shopping at a multi-location store.
My contribution was:
- Designing and implementing a pop-up for re-routing a new user to the chosen shop.
- Implementing a tool for customizing the pop-up contents in the back-office.
Technical Skills
Software Engineering :
Programming Languages :
DevOps :
Web Development :
Database Management :
Other :
Soft Skills
Academic Projects
A GitHub repository for continuous deployment of a library application to a kubernetes cluster.
This infrastructure not only contained the application at hand but also had metrics visualization, service mesh management, and 2 environments (development & production).

This is a single-player educational card game that showcases the artwork held at the University of Michigan's library and studies the links between them.
I worked, within the University of Michigan researchteam, on 2 of the project's 3 main axes:
- Front-end: This is the game design and implementation part done using Unity.
- Back-end: This part involved the design and implementation of not only a MySQL database but also a RESTful API.

I developed the user interface of a sales desktop application using JavaFX.
This application is that of an interactive terminal installed in shopping malls which allows shoppers to take advantage of several offers and promotions proposed by different categories of shops.

A console app that offers a collection of cryptography tools.
These tools include:
- Hashing
- Encoding
- Symmetric encryption/decryption
- Key generation
- Asymmetric encryption/decryption (RSA/ECIES)
- Cracking hashes: brute-force, dictionary attack, simple brute force
For learning purposes, I created 2 console games that implement popular AI algorithms.
The games are:
- Nim :
This is a mathematical strategy game that requires 2 players to take turns splitting a given heap into uneven parts.
I implemented 2 versions of the opposing AI player using the algorithm ''MiniMax''. One version is with pruning; The other is without. - Sliding Puzzle : The basis of this game is simple:
A player is provided a square puzzle of 'n' slots, containing numbers ranging from 1 to 'n-1', leaving one slot empty.
At each turn, the player slides a piece of their choosing to the empty slot.
The goal is to sort these numbers in ascending order.
I implemented the ''A*'' algorithm in order to solve (if possible) any random sliding puzzle of any size.

Personal Projects
I worked, with a team of other students, on designing, coding, and assembling 2 robots for 2 different competitions.
We managed to make 2 fully functional robots despite us having limited resources and limited time.
The robots are:
- A rally robot, For Fast and Furious INSAT robotics competition
- A rough-road robot, For ENICarthage Robots robotics competition